Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Holy crap it's been a while!

I think it is safe to say that I have successfully neglected the blog. I mean, nothing really has been going on in our lives!!! Let's see...

Our lives seem to get more crazy as the days go on. Allie has been in such great health since our scare in July. She is becoming such a caring and loving little girl. I feel so horrible for saying but there is a special place in my heart for that little girl. It was a very scary time and I feel we were really close to losing her that night. No matter how crazy, nuts, or frustrating my kids are, I have learned that they are only this age once andI need to savor it (thanks Rach!)

Enough with the sap, Erin is back. Allie turned 1 this past week!!! I cannot believe it. It has gone so much quicker with her and I am trying to take in every milestone but I find it hard to keep up. She is taking steps everyday but doesn't seem overly interested. Not pushing it - I know what it is like to chase after a toddler. I can wait! She has lots of words and has become extremely verbal....and loud! You would have to be with Julia as a sister.

Birthday party was a great time. We celebrated all weekend with friends and family. I am still cleaning frosting off my wall!!!!

Julia is pretty much potty trained - except for the three accidents tonight where she told me not to worry because she would "shake it off". I can't keep up with her. The things that come out of her mouth crack me up. Love that kid!!! We are defintley at the "I think I will test every person I meet" stage. Dustin thinks it can't get worse - I laugh. Nuts to think she turns 3 in Decemeber. Not sure where the time has gone.

Enough blabbing. Maybe if I didn't post every 4 months I wouldn't have to update with a novel! Here is your reward - pictures of my kids :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

Easter came and went super fast this year. Dustin and I were just talking about how quick it seems the girls are growing up!! Allie is already 8 months old and crawling. We are trying to take it all in in case she is our last. Things are starting to get really fun (and hectic) with two. Easter this year was a blast. Julia is starting to get the idea of the Easter bunny. She told us she had to be good and it was some good leverage for mommy and daddy to have as well.

We started our festivities the weekend before at Dustin's mom house where the girls were able to hang out with the cousins and have an Easter egg hunt - Allie's 1st!! Julia did much better this year than last. Midweek, Jen and the kids came by for our annual hunt and dinner. The kids had so much fun and I think its safe to say everyone slept super well. I can't wait for Allie to participate next year.

Since we were heading up to my parents, we figured the Easter bunny should stop by our house early. I have a ton of fun getting creative and seeing the looks on each girls face as they see what is happening. It's really neat to see how things change - from us being the kids with the excitement to being the adults with the kids with the excitement!! We ended our EAster celebrations at my parent's house. Julia and Allie got to have breakfast delivered by a train, have an Easter egg hunt at Uncle Jake's house, dye eggs, and yes - get more baskets!! We ended by traveling to Woodstock to see Jake's new firehouse. Oddly enough, it was the same ending as last year!!!

We hope everyone had a great Easter holiday. Summer is right around the corner and we can't wait to get out and play with everyone!!!

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Julia vs. Butt Creme

Julia got ahold of Allie's diaper creme...enough said
I had to take pictures before I put her in a time out.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Needed Remedy

Allie has had a horrible time lately. The poor thing is suffering from horrible diaper rash and her bottom teeth are trying to pop through. The numerous cremes are not working for her and the doctor is really against giving her Tylenol for the pain. I have heard a lot of amber necklaces helping with inflammed gums but then stumbled across this. It claims to possibly help with skin rashes and some people swear it even helps with teeth. I am giving it a try! I will let you know how it works!!!
I included this in my blog because they provided me with a 15% off code when I ordered (use the code POST if you order)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Second time's a charm

I guess it pays to be the second child....sometimes. I decided that I wanted to try and make my own baby food. I wanted to with Julia but sometimes it was hard enough trying to even know what to feed her from a jar let alone how to make it and what to even make. Allie started with solids two weeks ago and is doing okay. Prices have gone up on those jars just since Julia was eating them so in an effort to be cost effective, I thought I would make my own. So armed with a blender and some ice cube trays I got to work.

I made carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash. It was a learning process on how to even make squash!!!! I threw it in the blender, added some water, and threw it on the baby food setting (yes, my blender has a baby food setting). With some advice from a friend, I put them in an ice cube tray and froze them. Overnight, I had carrot cubes. Sounds delicious huh? I spent $4 on a squash and made 24 cubes. That has to save some money right?

Carrot Cubes
Finished products - Ziploc bags and labeled for the freezer!
This is half of a squash
Thanks Peggy and random grocery store shopper for teaching me how to make squash
1 small bag of carrots - check!I even got to use my new Pampered Chef veggie steamer

And yes, I do realize I am a bit psycho for taking pictures of the steps but you know what, I am a little proud of myself. This time last year I could barely make veggies if they weren't microwavable! ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011

"I so white" Movie Party......

Kate and Jules are at that age now where they LOVE anything to do with princess. They are also at that wonderful age where they will sit and watch a movie. ABC Family was showing the original Snow White (which sounds like I So White when my 2 year old says it) so we thought, what better than to let them have a movie party?!?

Kate came over equipped with her pj's, french fries, and pull out couch. Jules eagerly waited for her Kate Kate by the window. We found Snow White Princess Barbies on clearance at Target earlier that day so we pulled those out, got the popcorn going, and all sat on our couches to watch Snow White....
45 minutes later......
Kate loves her Allie.....Allie clearly won her attention over the movie
Snow White dolls

We are so excited!

The expression on their faces so clearly says "Stop taking our pictures! We are just watching a movie!!"
Kate had to facebook just what was happening! They grow up so fast
BFF Cuddle time
Even Allie had to get in on the fun!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gymnastics time!

Julia didn't do Kindermusik this semester (not by MY choice) so we decided to start her in swim and gymnastics. The kid has so much energy she needs some outlet and really, mommy needs some activities too. We thought we would try the park district for gymnastics before we start her with Gymnastic Etc and have to pay even more money. Kate does it with her and watching the two is a trip. Enjoy!!!

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow days!

Keeping kids entertained on snow days seems much harder than 3 months in the summer. Maybe it's because we can't go outside with subzero temps!! Who knows. By the 3rd snow day, I had to truck it to Walmart and get some energy supplies. Jules had a lot of fun with some "firsts".

We reattempted PlayDoh. The first time we let her play with it, she ate it immediately. She did much better this time around, however, she kept wanting to rub it on her face. Wierd.
Allie even got in the fun too. I broke out Julia's "old" Jumperoo and she went to town. She touches the ground and has gotten the hang on jumping to make the music go. At least it's something to new to keep her entertained for 10 minutes!
Back to Jules.....she helped me bake and decorate some cookies. I think she wanted to eat the candies more than decorate them. Wierd thing is....all the cookies are already gone. Nice going DK!

The finished products.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's official.....

.....we have a thumb sucker!

Monday, January 10, 2011


I have to say...I am a bit ashamed at my blogging schedule. Everytime I get a free second, I think to myself I am going to sit down and post. Wrong. Life hits and suddenly I have 2 kids and a house to take care of. Blogging seems to take a backseat. Well, the house is cleaned, lunches are made, both kids asleep, dinner packed up, showers done, newest bows ordered (wouldn't be me if I didn't include that) and it's only 8:00. Here's goes........
Julia is crazier than ever. I think when she turned two on the 22nd, a light switch flipped on and she went psycho!! She celebrated her 2nd bday in a sling. Ladybug fel off my bed
in the middle of the night and broke her collar bone. I still feel guilty about it. She still says her neck hurts every now and then. She goes in next week for her 2 year check up so I think I may have them x-ray it again. Julia starts swim lessons tommorrow through Four Seasons. Should be interesting. The best part is that I don't have to get in. WOOHOO!! I am still using the "I just had a baby but really I didn't" excuse for not fitting into my clothes. We aren't doing Kindermusik this semester. Figured I (and our checkbook) needed a little break. Allie will start up in the summer. So instead, she is doing gymnastics. Again, should be interesting.
Allie just turned 4 months last week. Time is going WAY too fast. She started sleeping through the nights around 7 weeks and hasn't turned back. Although she really doesn't "nap" during the day (I can sometimes get in a few good hours but its usually just a bunch of short ones), she goes to bed at 8:30 and will sleep till 8 the next morning. We have been blessed with great sleepers. Allie is growing like a weed. She is already in 6 month clothes. Never had that problem with Jules. Oh - she rolled over this past weekend!!!! Just more proof she is growing up. Like Jules, she goes next week for her next well baby. At the last, Dr. Rosa heard the heart murmur again. They are ordering another EKG so we'll keep you posted. We really aren't concerned - most people go with one that is undetected. We just have an overly careful doctor - which we are so grateful for.
Okay, I am going to try really hard to post more often. We will see. Enjoy some pics!
Happy (late) Holidays!
So tough after breaking her collar bone. You try and keep a 2 year old in a sling. Doesn't happen all that often.
Julia now believes the sole purpose of having Bailey is so she has something to sit on.

Allie loves to sit in her walker!
Seriously, she is always smiling!
