Friday, June 25, 2010

1st Carnival of the Summer

The McGowan's invited us to the Ephiphany Carnival last weekend for the First Carnival of the Summer and ironically, Julia's first carnival ever. It was a hot day but the kids enjoyed themselves. The girls got to ride the cars and merry go round while Zach enjoyed his big kid rides. We finished off the day by getting our faces painted by the Zoo Lady and heading over for an exciting (and expensive) camel ride. Dustin took one for the team by going on with her. I love using the "I'm pregnant" excuse to get out of things like this!!

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This has been the summer of baby dolls. The girls can't get enough of their babies and strollers. I had the bright idea to bring the girls out on the trail and let them push their strollers while Zach rode his bike. Needless to say it was before nap time. Kate was a little mom and did munchin on the other hand is definately not ready to be a big sister. She would push the stroller off the side of the trail as she ran to look at something else or tip over the stroller and laugh. We are in for it I think.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Dustin had a 3 day weekend this past weekend so we thought we'd make the best of it and enjoy some much needed outdoor family time. We spent the weekend at the park, pool, graduation parties, parades, and just being outside. I think Jules really enjoyed herself. Monday was really rainy so after the parade we all took long much needed naps. It was a great way to start the summer!!

Things are once again going to start to get crazy. I start summer school on Thursday (yuck) and Jules starts swimming lessons next week. That should be interesting to watch. I'll add more pictures later but enjoy these.

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