Friday, November 13, 2009

A Long Awaited Update!

So I completely understand that it has been a while since I blogged but we have been really busy. I am back to class from a long break on Tuesdays and Kindermusik keeps us busy Monday nights. The whole family was able to spend an entire week together on the couch a few weeks back when I came down with the flu and Julia had a cold, sinus infection, and then whatever knows what else. Once everyone was feeling better we were able to take advantage of the nice weather and head outside for some walks.
It's official...Julia has had her first Halloween. It was a bummer of a first though because she spent it in her costume passing out candy to other kids. With her and I being sick we thought it was best she stayed in. She won't remember it anyway (at least that's what I tell myself). Luckily Dustin and I took her out a few weeks previous to have pictures taken but I was able to snap these that night.
Julia's top two teeth have come down. The poor thing was in so much pain and there was not enough Tylenol, ice cubes, and teethers in the world to help her. She was a trooper though and she looks like a completely different baby!! Looking in her mouth and all you see are white swollen gums. Looks like more are on the way.
She still isn't walking yet but totally loves pulling herself up and walking down the couch. Her favorite activity now is to walk while pushing her walker into the wall. Dustin cleaned up the extra room in the basement for her and she can walk all over the place. We just have to get her confident enough to do it on her own. Any suggestions???
This past week Julia and I had a much overdue playdate with Jen, Kate, Zach, Meg and Cameron. Cameron and Kate are only three weeks apart and Jules is 6 months behind them. It's nice for her to have friends around her age. I think the kids had a blast and were extremely tired. It's amazing how quickly they have all grown up. It sounds corny I know but I feel like just last week all three of us were pregnant together and I was convincing them to go get Big Macs! Zach and Jules
BFF's Jules and Kate
She is too precious!
Cam and Kate

Julia is changing everyday. She loves to talk on the phone and sit and read books. It's amazing how much I am in love with her and it just keeps getting better. It breaks my heart that in a short month she will be having her 1st birthday party but yet I am so excited for what's to come. It just keeps getting better.
