Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Halfway Through Summer

I just realized today (or maybe it just set in) that summer is almost over. I can't believe how fast it went but I think Julia had a great first summer. We spent it going to parks, birthday parties, zoos, and trips to visit Grandma and Grandpa. It makes me sad to think that in a few short weeks, she is going to head back to Aunt Mary's and I am going to head back to work. I am loving every minute of staying home with her and watching her change. It's hard to believe that she will be 7 months old tomorrow!! My baby is growing so fast. Dustin is begging to have another one but I think I will just enjoy my baby for the time being. She still isn't crawling but she wants to so bad. She just rolls to get around. That's an acceptable form of transportation in society right?? And of course, no teeth. You can see them trying to come through and the gums are swollen. Poor thing is in pain so I just keep the Tylenol coming. She goes this week for her 6 month wellbaby check (even though she is 7 months :) ) and goes in 2 weeks for a checkup on her hips. I have a sinking feeling that she is going to be in that brace for much longer than we anticipated. She associates it with sleep and doesn't seem to bother her...she is such a trooper. I will keep you updated though!!!

We had a lot of birthday parties this summer. Julia got to spend a lot of time with her BFF Kate. They are starting to discover who the other is and its fun to watch them play together.

Julia is starting to get big enough to enjoy the park. Her buddy Zach loves to take her down the slide and she loves to swing in the swings....as long as she goes slow :) Hopefully we can get her dad to hang the swing she got 3 months ago before she graduates highschool!!

Her hair is getting so long....I am thinking another haircut soon???

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fast Asleep

When Julia plays, she plays hard. With her teeth coming in, she hasn't been sleeping well at night and she likes to make up for it during the day. Grandma and Grandpa were here this weekend and she played....a lot. After they left, she apparently thought it was nap time. I put her in her jumperoo so I could change the laundry and walked back to this:
