Monday, May 24, 2010

Pool time!

Julia spent the hot Sunday playing in her new pool, water table, and flower power sprinkler. And when I say she played IN the water table, I mean she climbed in it. Julia is going to be a mountain climber I think. She loves to climb on everything regardless of how high it is or what it is. She climbs in and out of her bed, the window, the pool, her picnic bench, and now the water table. She has no fear.

Grandpa Peggy and Tom came over for BBQ and to help Julia break out the pool. I think she thinks its a giant bath tub. Swim lessons start in 2 weeks and I was afraid she wouldn't do well with the cold water. Sadly, I have been mistaken. Dustin filled the entire pool up with cold hose water and while he was getting buckets of warm water to be nice, she jumped right in and lasted about an hour. She is my water baby!

First Zoo Trip of the Summer

This weekend, Dustin and I took Jules to the Miller Park Zoo after having a picnic in the park. It was the perfect afternoon for it! It is amazing how much Julia has changed from interacting with us at the zoo last summer to this summer. Her favorite animals were the sea lions (she threw them kisses) and then chasing the pink flamingo. We plan to visit the Peoria Zoo, St. Louis Zoo, and the Brookfield Zoo as long as it isn't too hot!

After the zoo, we took Julia to Target and let her pick out a new pool. I think it may have been more for me but whatever makes her happy :)
