Monday, April 20, 2009

Never a dull moment

We can honestly say that there is never a dull moment in the Knuth house. Keep in mind that Dustin is still working on the garage and there is barely any drywall left in the garage. Now add in the fact that the fryer went a-wall Monday night and you have our life. The fryer spewed out gallons of grease into the cabinets and carpet. After trying to get it out of the carpet, we realized it went down into the padding and onto the flooring below it...
... and then the carpet came up!!!

The only thing I can do about it is laugh. At least no one got hurt and now I have a great excuse to get my new flooring.
P.S. Who has carpet in the kitchen anyways????

Uncle Jake

Julia got to sit in her first firetruck Easter weekend with her Uncle Jake. I think he was a little more excited to have her there than she was. We are really proud of him and she is especially proud of her Godfather.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daddy's Girl

Sometimes the best moments happen when you think no one is looking...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dinner at the McGowan's

Matt and Jen had us over again for dinner and yet again, it was delicious. The kids had fun playing together (well Julia basically slept) and it was a good excuse for some adult time. Dustin and Zach played WII and sad to say but I think Zach kicked his butt. Pizzas at our house next time!!
Crazy hair Kate!

Trouble...look out boys!

Mom and Julia hammin' it up

Zach is such a good big brother.

Always a New Project

For those of you who know us you know that Dustin can't sit still and constantly has to be working on some project. Whether it's redoing Julia's room or tearing down trees in the backyard - he is always busy. This brings us to his new project: the garage. Dustin and his dad have been working hard rewiring the garage and the outside of the house so that I can plug things in without wondering if the outlet would work. During this process, Dustin decided to tear down the wall at the top of the stairs in the garage and he is now putting up new drywall so that he can paint the garage. I don't fully understand it but I am not complaining. It is going to look good!! Now if I could only get his next project to be the kitchen...
