I figured that since our last post was when Julia was 11 months and she is a growing 16 month old, it was time to make a post. It's amazing how life gets so busy. Here goes...an update!!
Happy Birthday! Julia turned one in December. She celebrated with family and friends at the YMCA in Bloomington. We had a ladybug theme since it seems everyone calls her ladybug. I of course made the awesome decision to get her a red smash cake. Thank God for Tide because those were some stains!! Julia really seemed to enjoy herself except for the flu that suddenly came on - at her party! I guess it makes for a memorable occasion.
Milestones She started walking shortly after her 13 month birthday and has since started running. She has quite a large vocabulary and know exactly when to use it when she wants something. Her favorite words are "bye", "Bailey" and my favorite "tummy". We swear she has an imaginary friend named Bobby because she walks around the house yelling for him.
Hip Update We got the awesome news that she no longer needs to wear her hip brace. The dysplasia isn't completly corrected but the doctor is confident that with her walking, it will help the hips gets stronger. We go back in October for another check. Hopefully she doesn't go backwards. The doctor did point out another problem however. Her left foot slightly turns in. He had a really big name which I can't even begin to remember. All in all, he thinks she will grow out of it. Again, we will know more in October.
Kindermusik, Swimming and more Julia starts swim lessons in the summer. I signed her up for the Normal Parks and Rec program and Normal West. We'll see how she does. I am hoping she views it like a big bath tub and jumps right in!! She is still attending Kindermusik regularly and loves it!! We are debating whether or not to enroll her in the summer program. One more semester though and she's done...can't have two in class.
Big news!! Dustin and I found out New Year's that we are expecting baby #2. I am currently 19 weeks along and feeling bigger than ever. Good news though is this pregnancy is much different than with Jules. I haven't gained as much weight but I was really sick for the first 13 weeks. Jeans no longer fit - darn! The babies heartrate is much lower than what Jules was - boy maybe??? We have the option to find out next week to sex of the baby but we are determined to be surprised.
Garage Update (afterall, it has only been a year) Dustin has finally finished the garage and my car can finally have a home. It look great. The hard work really paid off. Next task- the baby's room. After doing Julia's though, he should be a pro.
There, I did it. The update has been completed. I will try and post more often. Julia loves spending time outside so I am sure that we will have lots of things to talk about. Enjoy some pictures!!
Easter 2010
Hanging with mom and dad! She's getting big!!